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Putting the personal back in PPE

PPE is impersonal. I spotted this image online, and it got me thinking - why is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), in its existing form, so impersonal.

With the economy slowly(!) easing out of lock-down, many customer facing businesses are providing their staff with full-face PPE masks.

Image Credit: The Sun Newspaper

The trouble is; they look ever so unapproachable for the consumer. Medical in appearance, and basic in form. I can understand why this approach works well in a hospital environment, but now we are migrating this protective equipment into retail environments - I can't help but wonder if there is opportunity to create a more approachable full-face PPE face covering?

This face shield design by Joe Doucet ( has transformed PPE into a fashion-like accessory. I can see his sunglasses-like visor fitting in well for the consumer, navigating the streets outside as we ease(!) into the 'new-normal.' Specifically on a vanity scale.

Image Credit: Joe Doucet

Though you could argue sunglasses are a form of PPE, much like it's sunglasse's counterpart - I wouldn't describe the form of this face shield as approachable. I couldn't see it working in a customer facing environment (even if finished in clear polycarbonate.) I also think it underplays the seriousness of a face-shield.

CO-VISOR Concept Sketch

I wonder, can we strike a balance? Something less pharmaceutical in appearance, but equally as safe. Less of a 'fashion accessory', more of a 'working tool.' Can we design personal, back into PPE?

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subject: a design blog by ben powell

copyright © 2020 benjamin powell

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