Hey Sony Interactive Entertainment — How about a shiny new identity to go along with your shiny new PlayStation titles?
Logo on white.
Sony Interactive Entertainment are on a roll with their world-class releases for it's PlayStation games console.
Sony itself has a new console on the way, equipped with new branding, and an array of new titles. Is now the time to consider an update to the SIE visual identity-?
Concept emblem on black and white.
The concept derived from the classic PlayStation button layout. Heavily inspired by it's predecessor, the new design leans towards the familiar. A subtle change - as opposed to radical.
Theory: Inspired by PlayStation heritage.
Logo on black.
Comparison to existing branding.
Replacement concept for the SIE opening video.
The logo applied to PlayStation 4 game packaging.
Billboard consideration.
Using the hard light effect, titles can easily adopt the SIE branding.
A refreshed gradient for font application.
Edit: Was this just an idea to kill time before the highly anticipated release of Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us Part II? Maybe!